Tips for Managing Hair Loss – The Do and Don’t

Tips for Managing Hair Loss – The Do and Don’t

Mar 6, 2020


Averagely, we shed about 50 – 100 strands of hair every single day. For every follicle shed, the same amount regrows. If your pillow always covered with fallen hair, your brush brimming with strands, the clumps of hair at the shower drain scares you, you could be experiencing significant hair loss.

The onset of baldness is very emotional and stressful. Hair loss mostly due to genetics or aging, causing hair thinning, excessive hair fall, and eventually baldness. Besides, there are some other contributing factors affecting both men and women alike, for example hormone, health condition, or lifestyle practices. What should you do in managing hair loss? And what shouldn’t you

✘ DON’T ignore or procrastinate with hair loss problem

When notice about hair thinning or baldness, some might change their part or hairstyle to hide the problem, hoping the hair growth will resume to normal as time goes by. They will only seek for acute treatment when the problem is getting more visible. Remember, there is no turning back if your hair follicles die off. The earlier you start, the more effective the treatment will be. Do not wait for too long.

✘ DON’T overlook hygiene for scalp and hair

You might reduce the frequency of hair washing because worrying about excess hair loss during the process. Regular hair washing does not accelerate hair fall. It is the poor hygiene that may cause excess oil sebum, dandruff, or dirt on scalp clogging the hair follicles, hence affecting healthy hair growth. Furthermore, using hair shampoo that is not suitable, or improper hair washing method might also be the reason for excessive hair fall during your shower.

✘ DON’T comb hair when it’s wet

Wet hair is at its most fragile stage. The water absorbed will make the hair shaft swell, and the hair weight increases. Thus, wet hair has higher combing friction. Towel rubbing, brushing, and combing wet hair will quickly cause damage, breakage and might force premature hair fall.

✘ DON’T use multiple products/methods simultaneously

There are many products and treatment methods available in the market to manage hair loss. You might be thinking of getting an instant result by trying a few at the same time. You might put yourself at a higher risk of getting any possible irritation or unfavourable reaction, without knowing which product is the main culprit. Likewise, some products may contain similar ingredients or have the same action mode, which you might get overdosing if used together.

✘ DON’T get too stressful and emotional

Dealing with hair loss requires a lot of patience. And you probably get upset, embarrass, stress, sensitive or emotional throughout the long duration of treatment. All these will only slow down the process of hair loss management. Find yourself the right way to let out all these undesirable feelings.

✔ DO immediately consult professional advice for hair loss management

There are several reasons for hair loss. Get immediate professional assessment on your scalp, hair, and overall health when you perceive the issue. This will help to identify the root cause and the appropriate treatment options for hair restoration. Hence, no more hassle puzzle in seeking and trying out all kinds of hair loss management methods.

✔ DO properly wash your scalp and hair

Living in a tropical country, you should wash your hair every day to remove all the sweat, dirt and sebum. First, use warm water to wet the hair and scalp, then pour adequate amount of suitable hair shampoo on your palm and start washing the hair gently. Afterward, rinse clean with a generous amount of water. During rinsing, slowly massage your entire scalp with fingertips (NOT the nails). Apply hair conditioner if wanted, but only to the hair strands. If you have scalp irritation issues, use a scalp care product once or twice a week.

✔ DO be patient and consistent with hair loss management

After washing, gently squeeze and pat dry your hair with a towel to absorb the excess moisture. It is good if you can let your hair air dry. However, many choose to blow dry, which is a much faster way, and in the meantime, can do some simple styling. How to protect your hair and scalp from the heat? Apply thermal protection hair product on the wet hair, then use mild heat and keep the hair dryer one-arm distance with your head. Blow-dry your scalp first, then follow by your hair from roots to ends. Finger-comb the hair, then only use a suitable hairbrush when your hair is almost dry.

✔ DO be patient and consistent with hair loss management

Generally, hair grows about 1.3cm every month. Therefore, improvement in hair growth may only noticeable after 3-6 months of regular treatment. Start a new treatment/product at one time. Hair fall will lessen as the hair follicles get stronger and healthier along the way. Then, tiny hairs will start to grow out. Continue with the treatment until you get a satisfying improvement.

✔ DO get yourself sufficient hair nutrition

Having healthy and thick hair is essential for self-esteem and confidence. Besides reducing hair fall, getting ample hair nutrition is equally important to promote new and healthy hair growth. Hair strands mainly made of protein. So, get yourself an adequate supply of protein. Remember to get other nutrients like vitamin B groups, vitamin C and also minerals to keep your hair nourished. Proper nutrition is the key to revitalize your hair strand from within.

In summary, the first step in hair loss management is to identify the primary root cause. Then, treat it in combination with well-balanced of vital hair nutrients that support new hair growth, and further revitalize and strengthen healthy hair from within.
