How To Stay Active With Osteoporosis

How To Stay Active With Osteoporosis

21 August, 2023

Osteoporosis is a long-term metabolic bone condition characterised by decreased bone tensile strength. People who have osteoporosis have fragile and weak bones and are more likely to have a sudden fracture (hip, abrupt fracture) while doing daily activities.

Both genders are afflicted, although it was shown that women had a four times higher chance of getting the condition than males do. This is due to hormonal changes in women during menopause have a direct impact on bone density, which lowers the density of healthy bones and raises the risk of osteoporosis.

Although osteoporosis is preventable and controllable, there are no early warning signals before a fracture, and many patients do not receive a timely diagnosis that would allow them to receive effective therapy while the disease is still in its early stages.

Several lifestyle habits have been shown to be risk factors for osteoporosis, such as a lack of nutrition, alcohol consumption, smoking, genetics, menopause, ageing, and medical disorders such as diabetes, hyperparathyroidism, dementia, and drugs like glucocorticoids.

Advantages of exercise in osteoporosis

Exercise is essential for maintaining active lifestyle in seniors and osteoporosis patients. Here are some of the advantages of exercise:

  • Boost your muscular strength
  • Improve your balance
  • Lower risk of bone fracture
  • Improve posture
  • Reduce or eradicate pain
  • Enhance fitness and health
  • Improve our mood and overall well-being
Before starting

Osteoporotic patients should see a physician before doing any physical activity, to find out the severity of their condition and the types of exercise that are suitable for them.

Some health tests to consider before starting exercise:

  • Bone density assessment
  • Fracture risk evaluation
  • Fitness test
Exercise for osteoporosis

Listed below are the various kinds of exercise recommended for osteoporosis patients. Combination of these exercises is required to avoid bone weakening and aid in the management of osteoporosis.

  1. Strength training

– These exercises may strengthen all the major muscle groups in our body, including the spinal muscle, which is important for posture.

– Strength training includes lifting free weights, using weighing machines, using resistance tubing of various strengths, and lifting one’s own body weight. By frequently engaging in weightlifting exercises, the muscle gets stronger. Perform this workout at least twice or three times every week.

– Always maintain proper posture, form, and technique to prevent serious injury or a sudden fracture.


  1. Exercise with body weight

– By working against gravity, these exercises help to preserve bone density and bone strength, which mostly pertains to how our feet and legs support our body weight.

– Exercises for osteoporosis include walking, dancing, travelling, low-impact aerobics, using elliptical machines, and climbing stairs. Walking for at least 30-45 minutes each day is ideal to stay active.


  1. Stretching exercises

– We can strengthen our muscles and preserve bone density by stretching our bodies and improving joint and muscle flexibility.

– Tight muscles can lead to joint discomfort and strain.

– Stretching for 10 minutes after each activity helps to promote joint and muscle mobility, reduce stiffness, and increase flexibility.


  1. Balance exercise

– Balance exercises should be practised to strengthen the grip, enhance balance, and reduce the risk of falling.

– Yoga, tai-chi, standing on one leg while lifting the other, balancing on a stability ball, and movement-based workouts are some examples of balance exercises.

– Perform this exercise three times a week. After each week, progressively increase the number of repetitions to keep your body active.

Exercises to avoid

People who have osteoporosis should stay away from a few exercises that might potentially worsen the bone conditions. Here are some exercises to avoid:

  • Jumping, running, jogging, hula-hooping, and skipping
  • Yoga postures that put more strain on the muscles
  • Football and other aggressive sports increase the risk of falls
  • Exercises that repeatedly bend forward and to the side, like touching your toes, increase the chance of a spine fracture
  • High impact exercise puts extra strain on brittle bones.
  • Exercises that require turning the trunk or twisting the spine
  • Gymnastics

Osteoporosis is a serious health concern, characterised by weakening bones, decreased bone density, and damaged bone tissue.

The best ways to prevent osteoporosis are by a healthy lifestyle, diet, exercise, and medication.

Therapists recommend exercise and physical activity regularly to lower the risk of osteoporosis since they are vital for rejuvenating bone brittleness. Exercise increases bone density, muscle mass, and flexibility in osteoporotic patients while lowering fracture risk.

Give it a try now that you know how to keep active with osteoporosis! It’s never too late to start a healthier lifestyle and take actions to maintain bone health and prevent osteoporosis.
