Nine ways to help your child do better in school

Nine ways to help your child do better in school

Aug 4, 2020


Whenever we talk about children’s school performances, we often overhear parents’ conversation as below:

“Susan, I’m really fed up about my son, he always fails his exam and never going to do his homework voluntarily!” Mary grumbled.

“I wonder how come your child can do so well in school?” Marilyn asked.

“Well, as a parent, I’m really glad and proud that my son is doing great in school, Susan replied.

“I’ve did whatever I can, but it doesn’t seem as much of a help…I feel hopeless…” Marilyn replied sadly with tears running down her cheeks.

Do your children do well in school?

It is important to know the progress of your children in school as education is the key to success. As a parent, it is crucial to be involved and take part in your children’s learning process. Here are some ways on what you can do, as a parent, to help your children do better in school:

1. Demonstrate a positive attitude about education to your children

Attitude plays an essential role in every aspect of a person’s life, including their education. Therefore, parents can instill a positive attitude towards lifelong learning by being a good role model, as children tend to grow up to mimic the behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes of their parents. Thus, it is important that parents model the behavior you want to see from your children. Also, by showing interest in your children’s education, can help in building their passion for learning.

2. Make sure your children gets their homework done

Let your children know that homework is important as part of the learning process, as it helps to reinforce classroom learning and allow them to develop self-discipline. Parents can help their children to schedule regular study time and set up a homework-friendly area. Make sure they have a well-lit and quiet study environment, and always ensure that they complete their homework on time.

3. Reward academic efforts

Parents can reward their children for their efforts in academic performance. This will create a sense of pride and achievement, thus motivating them to achieve more in the future. A simple praising can be a powerful tool for motivation. However, beware of frequent reward offerings as children may become too dependent on rewards and ended up seeing reward as the goal.

4. Stay connected with your children’s progress in school

Simple daily conversations such as: “How are you doing in school today?” “Any new or interesting things that you learned in school today?”, can help you to keep up with your children’s progress in school. This can also help parents to identify issues facing by their children and assist them in solving it if there is any.

5. Meet with the teacher

Attending parent-teacher day is another way of staying informed of your children’s progress in school. This is a great chance to start or continue conversations with your children’s teacher, and discuss strategies to help your children do better in class.

6. Get to know your children’s friends

Peer influence is when you do something in order to feel accepted and valued by your group of friends. Peer influence can be positive or negative. Parents can encourage children to invite their friends over to your house. This way, it gives you the chance to get to know their friends and check on whether negative peer pressure and influence is an issue for your children.

7. Spend more quality time with your children

Parenting is all about communicating with your children. Positive two-way communication is essential to building your children’s self-esteem. Try to allocate some time every day to simply sit and listen to your children, despite your busy schedule. This will help your children to boost their self-esteem and enable them to feel worthy and loved.

8. Limit children’s use of social media

Parents should monitor children’s daily screen time, be it on television, video game, or the internet. Excessive screen time and use of social media increase the chances of obesity, disturbed sleep patterns and may lead to mental and behavioral challenges in children. Also, spending too much time on social media may affect children’s academic performances as well.

9. Ensure your children eat well and stay active

“Healthy body, healthy mind” simply means a healthy mind can only be sustained with a healthy body. Thus, ensure your children eat a balanced diet from a variety of foods and stay physically active every day. If your children are picky eater and do not like to eat fish, you might consider to supplement them with multivitamins and minerals, and DHA. DHA is a type of omega-3 fatty acids, essential for healthy brain, eye, and nervous system development; all of which are important for learning, reading, and behavioral development among children.

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