Beat the Bloat

Beat the Bloat

Feb 5, 2021

A healthy individual pass gas around 13 to 21 times a day.1 For the majority, the passage of gas through the gastrointestinal tract causes no symptoms. However, some may experience symptoms such as uncomfortable abdominal bloating, abdominal pain, frequent burping, or flatulence. More than 65% of the patients presented with bloating symptoms, rated the symptoms as moderate to severe in intensity; while 54% of them reported that the symptoms influenced their daily activities; and 43% had to resort to the use of medication.2 The root cause of all these symptoms is due to excessive gas in the body.
Intestinal Gas

Intestinal gas balance is a complex process involving vast amounts of gas production and disposal. All these processes are finely regulated so that the total volume of intestinal gas accounts only for 100 to 200 mL in normal conditions. Intestinal gas input results from swallowing, chemical reactions, diffusion from blood, and bacterial fermentation. Gas output involves absorption into the blood, bacterial consumption, and defecation.3

Diet & Lifestyle Management for Excessive Intestinal Gas

What you can do to help in reducing excessive intestinal gas:

1. Reduce or limit the portion of food and beverages that prone to produce more gas such as beans, high fibre food, cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli), carbonated beverages, sugar-free products containing sorbitol

2. Eat and drink slowly

1. Reduce or limit the portion of food and beverages that prone to produce more gas such as beans, high fibre food, cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli), carbonated beverages, sugar-free products containing sorbitol

4. Drink plenty of water

5. Increase physical activity

6. Get your dentures properly fitted

By following these tips, it may help to keep your gas under controlled. Or you can check out GAZGO for fast relief of intestinal gas.

  1. Gastrointestinal Society 2020. Intestinal gas. Retrieved from:
  2. Jiang, X., Locke, G. R., Choung, R. S., Zinsmeister, A. R., Schleck, C. D., & Talley, N. J. (2008). Prevalence and risk factors for abdominal bloating and visible distention: a population-based study. Gut, 57(6), 756-763.
  3. Azpiroz, F., & Serra, J. (2004). Treatment of excessive intestinal gas. Current Treatment Options in Gastroenterology, 7(4), 299-305.