Self-Care Tips for New Moms After Delivery

Self-Care Tips for New Moms After Delivery

10 May 2024

Hey Mom, Remember to Treat Yourself with Love, Too!

After delivery, your body goes through a whirlwind of changes, both inside and out. As you navigate this new chapter of motherhood, it’s crucial to remember to care for yourself, too. Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s essential for rebuilding your strength. From nourishing meals to ample rest and seeking support, embracing these habits can make a difference in your postpartum journey.

Nutritious Diet

Added sugars refer to sugars not naturally present in food but added during processing. They are commonly found in processed foods, including sodas, yogurts, candies, cereals, cookies, and coffee as an additive.

Too Much Sugar Isn’t A Sweet Deal For Your Health!

Your body needs time to heal from the changes of pregnancy and childbirth after delivery. Good nutrition and rest play a vital role in this recovery journey.

During pregnancy, women gain weight to store energy needed for recovery and breastfeeding. A balanced diet post-delivery is crucial for staying active and caring for yourself and your baby.

Lactating mothers are advised to eat whenever they are hungry, as forgetting to eat due to fatigue or busy schedules is common. Doctors can provide dietary plans to meet these nutritional needs.

A well-rounded diet supports recovery and breastfeeding, helping you stay active and healthy for your baby. Include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, protein, and fiber, and stay hydrated with plenty of water to offset dehydration from breastfeeding, aiming for 12 to 14 glasses a day.

Take A Rest! 

Newborns operate on a different schedule than adults. They need feeding every two to three hours, nappy changes, and comforting. This can leave new parents feeling exhausted, mainly when they are used to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.

To get proper rest, consider these tips:

    • Sleep when the baby sleeps, even if it’s just for a few minutes at a time.
    • Co-sleep or have the baby’s bed near yours to make night feedings easier.
    • Focus on feeding the baby and self-care in the early days; delegate other responsibilities.
    • When friends and family visit, take the opportunity to rest or feed the baby.
    • Start gentle walks or light exercises when ready to help rejuvenate yourself.


After giving birth, many women naturally want to shed excess weight. However, this should be approached gradually, especially considering the healing process and the demands of breastfeeding.

It’s essential to avoid strict diets and vigorous exercise immediately after delivery. Instead, discuss your weight loss plans with your doctor.

Combining a balanced diet with exercise can aid in post-pregnancy weight loss. Breastfeeding women need an extra 500 calories daily for milk production, so a healthy diet is crucial. Calories reduction can be considered after six weeks, but always consult your healthcare provider first.

Seeking Support as New Parents

In the early days of parenthood, juggling newborn care and household chores can be overwhelming. While you and your partner can manage most tasks, it often leaves you exhausted. A helping hand can ease the load, allowing you to focus on your baby and self-care.

This support can come from parents, friends, or hired help. Clear communication with your caregiver is vital to ensuring trust and avoiding misunderstandings. They can assist with laundry, cooking, cleaning, and grocery shopping, giving you more time to rest and bond with your baby.

Here are essential post-delivery care tips:

    • Wait until after your first check-up appointment before resuming intercourse. Give your body time to heal, and wait for your healthcare provider’s approval.
    • Discuss birth control with your provider, as you can get pregnant again soon after birth, even if your period hasn’t returned.
    • Avoid douching or using tampons for the first few weeks after delivery. Use pads instead.
    • Continue taking prenatal vitamins or switch to a multivitamin with iron.
    • Eat healthy meals, stay hydrated with eight glasses of fluid daily, and consider taking short walks for gentle exercise.
    • Consult your healthcare provider for guidance on when to start a new exercise program and the safe activity level for you.

During pregnancy and delivery, your body is stretched to its maximum capacity. Therefore, it’s essential to rest and practice self-care. Take things slowly and calmly, and don’t hesitate to seek help and medical advice when needed.


As we conclude our discussion on post-delivery self-care, it’s evident that a new mother’s journey is both rewarding and challenging. Nutrition, rest, exercise, support, and healthcare are integral components that collectively contribute to the mother’s and her newborn’s well-being. This period is not merely about recovery; it signifies a transformative phase where self-nurturing is as vital as nurturing the new life. By embracing and understanding these aspects, new mothers can achieve a harmonious balance, empowering them to embark on the beautiful path of motherhood with strength, health, and resilience.
